Wow! It has been a while since I've posted! Figure it's time for an update!
Since February, Rebecca has felt nauseous every single day. Nothing really seems to help; she has medicine for it but still feels bleh most of the time. This hasn't kept her from being productive though! She's planned, and organized everything that needed to happen to get Reagan's room ready! Thanks to her, and the help of family, Reagan's room is ready for her when she comes home from the hospital! You can see pictures here!
Every checkup we've had, the Dr. says that Reagan is doing good. She has a nice healthy heartbeat and Rebecca is healthy as well. Praise the Lord for a healthy pregnancy so far! It sure brings comfort to know that God is in control.
We've had a couple of sonograms done since the last post as well; we even had a 3D sonogram done! You can view the sonograms here.
In June, Rebecca's coworkers threw a Baby Shower for Reagan. We got an amazing amount of stuff! I am always blown away by the generosity of the staff at Fellowship! You can see pictures of the Baby Shower here!
The baby shower at Fellowship wasn't the only baby shower though! Tomorrow, Reagan has another baby shower! We'll post pictures soon after!
We praise God for His love and omniscience during this pregnancy. Rebecca and I are excited that Reagan is coming soon. We know it'll be a huge change (and I'm not just talking about diapers), but we know the Lord will provide and that He will help us get through the sleepless nights. Your thoughts and prayers are cherished!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Rebecca and I feel extremely blessed to be honored by God with a child. We cannot wait to experience all of the many things God has planned! We look forward to keeping everyone up-to-date on the status of the baby!
Blog Archive
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- ► March 2010 (1)
- ► February 2010 (3)
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