Sunday, February 14, 2010

Morning sickness

This entire pregnancy, Rebecca has had morning sickness, mid-day sickness and night sickness. She's been in an infinite loop of nausea and I'm sure she feels like she'll be stuck in it forever. I can think of very little that is worse than feeling constantly sick.

About 6 months ago, I was diagnosed with multiple ulcers. This was why I would consistantly feel like I had just done 5,000 situps, become light-headed and then get sick. After about 8 weeks of medicine, the ulcers healed and they've given me very little trouble since. It is because of this experience that I can have the sympathy that I do for Rebecca. I know how draining it is to feel sick to your stomach all day, how distracting it can be and the frustration that it brings. Unfortunately for Rebecca, even if the Lord is willing for this to last only through the first trimester, she still has a couple of weeks left.

Please keep Rebecca in your prayers; pray that the Lord would allow the next couple of weeks to pass by quickly and for her stomach to begin to feel better. And don't forget about me! Please pray for me as I find ways to comfort and support her. We love you all and thank you for your support!


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Rebecca and I feel extremely blessed to be honored by God with a child. We cannot wait to experience all of the many things God has planned! We look forward to keeping everyone up-to-date on the status of the baby!